
Are you acting on your true values?

OK, hand on heart. Do you feel guilty for taking time out doing something you enjoy, even on a Sunday, thinking you should be getting something done? I remember one particular Sunday having mixed intentions about whether I would spend time accomplishing some work-related tasks or simply allow myself to do as I please. I decided to do as I pleased, that is, minute-by-minute choosing what to do next with little expectation on the outcome. At the end of the day, I noticed my self-talk: ‘I...


The art of resting first, doing later

I want to pose something to you today and ask that you answer honestly. Do you ever find yourself saying, ‘I’ll just quickly finish some of the things on my to-do list and then I’ll have a rest?’ How often does that mean that the rest never comes, and this pattern repeats itself over and over? Is there an undercurrent going on that says you can’t stop until it’s all done?

BUT what is really on that to-do list? Is it for you or all about others? And if it is...


The catchphrase of “busy”

We live in a world where we are bombarded with messages: TV, radio, billboards, email, social media, telephone calls, texts, clicking from one website to another. When does it stop? The thing is, a lot of what you are putting your time and energy into is not that important. When it comes down to it, 90 per cent or more of what you are bombarded with is other peoples’ requests of you. Can you stop and ask yourself what really needs your focus and attention right now? 

‘Are you...


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